Tuesday, December 15, 2009

World of Warcraft Guides Suck?

World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) which has taken the time of many people. While people have been spending more time in memorizing quests and what not, people have found new ways to level faster. These same  people have compiled guides for us to follow so that we can save ourselves some time. These guides were originally just a PDF file but eventually they have evolved to become much more. They have become better: easier to use, less hastles, and of course improved leveling time.
Not only that, but they have even implemented in game directions with arrow directions too! These guides bring you to the highest level where the best part of the game lie. Participating in raids and all other high level activities is the greatest part of the game! Any World of Warcraft player would tell you this.So why waste time leveling?
World of Warcraft guides saved me 4 months of leveling time! Before I used a guide, it took me 10 days of in-game time to reach the highest level, now it only takes 5 days (more or less)  for me to level a new character from level 1 to 80. Roughly speaking, I play approximately an hour a day. So, since I play about an hour a day and it took my 10 days of in-game time (World of Warcraft keeps track of the time you are logged in), then this would translate to 8 months of real world time (10 days of in-game time * 24 hours a day = 240 total hours -> 240 total hours / 30 (days in a month) = 8 months ).
Now, with a guide, it only takes me 5 days of in-game time which would be equivalent to 4 months of real world time (5 days of in-game time * 24 hours a day = 120 total hours -> 120 total hours / 30 (days in a month) = 4 months). I was able level my character in HALF the time! That's pretty good, especially considering, I need time for work, for school, and for my family and friends.  I could of spent those 4 months raiding, and enjoy the greater aspects of the game,,, So let me ask you, what's wrong with guides? Why do they suck?
Listen from someone who uses Zygor Guides for all his characters, don't listen to what other people say, they don't want you to level past them, so they tell you that guides suck and they're for "noobs". I say differ, and I must say, buying a guide was the best decision I have made for this game.
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Dereck Mack is a proud owner of Zygor Guides and Dugi Guides. He discovered his passion for games at a young age. Derek currently spends 15-25 hours a week playing vast variety of games which includes World of Warcraft.
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